Hello there guys! it's been so long since my last blog! yeah! Now... Christmas is over... Gifts? Good food hahaha ... Well... All of this is over... But my love for my family, friends, boyfriend and specially God... will never stop..

Hmmm.. 2 days more? before New Year? am I right? or not? hahaha well whatever... I don't need to have New Year's Resolution... I will let things happen... I will not plan anything, (I hate that)...

Hope everyone will have a very Happy New Year...

Oh... another chapter of my life... New Year... and I will never ever say good bye to this year 2010 because this year is so, happy even if there are lots of challenges that I've encountered... Death of my grandmother is the saddest because this year was my 18th birthday, but sadly she died... But still one good thing happened... I found my love... that's enough for me... 'coz for me love is also happiness..

Advance Happy New Year to all!
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Stressed again, so many school works.. need to finish that all...

Lots of codes... Having a problem in my project work.. don't know where to start..

That's too bad..
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What a wonderful day. It's really an answered prayer. It's been four months since my dad stopped working. And I was worrying about my studies because of financial problem. There is a big possibility that I'll stop. That time, I used to tell Migz about my problem just to have someone to lean on and someone who can tell me what to do. I was thinking of: should I stop? or have a part time work to support myself?. That time I really don't know what to do. And Migz told me not to think negatively, instead I should pray. Yeah, he's right. I did that, and tears fell from my eyes because I really don't know what to do. And that time my mom was also sick (sadly until now she's sick). But as I kept on praying, one good thing happened. Last Monday, I received a call from my dad's office, they were looking for my dad of course, the reason is they was asking my dad to report in their office. My dad went there and good news happened. He got his schedule, he got his medical results. And the nice thing is, tomorrow, he'll go back to work. He have his flight going to Europe and then to Asia. Oh well, my dad is a seaman. Going back to my story, It's a nice birthday gift for him. Even though he's not with us on his birthday (August 21), I know he's happy and he really want to go back to his work. We'll see him again after ten months..

Well then, to my dad: "I Love You and please take care always"
~ bon voyage! ~
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So happy... why? It's because last July 23 i think, my mom and dad finally knew everything about me and my boyfriend. And they also want him (Migz) to be my boyfriend. That's a good news for both of us.

One more thing is I've finally met his grandparents.. That makes me so happy... I also met his 2 cousins and their parents. Well for me its unforgettable. Another thing is, Miguel can come to my house any time he wants without being nervous when my parents are there. My mom and dad really trust him and that's a good thing.

I can see that Migz is so happy.. 2 days from now, we're going to celebrate our second monthsary. Honestly until now I can't believe that he's my boyfriend because last year I always ignore him and I don't even talk to him.. But now, he's my man, and my parents really likes him. He also met my bro. and sis. and my cousin.

What will be the other things that can happen? I can't wait.. I'm currently writing our story that's why I can't wait...

So happy to be with him
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I'm so sorry for this week.. I made him so sad... I made him so worried.. I didn't mean to do all those things..

I'm sorry for being so childish.. Because of that.. I made him so worried.. I'm so sorry

One thing is.. because of being sensitive.. I ignored him, and that makes him feel sad.. I'm so sorry
for the things that I'd done for this week...

Hope if there's something wrong with me.. or on other things, don't be shy to tell me about your feelings on it.. so that I know what to do..
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All my life, all my wishes came true. From the material things and to everything I've ever wanted. But one thing makes me happy. I've been wishing for the love, care and respect. Wishing for a man who can accept me, not just for being beautiful but for having the attitude that I have. A man who can wait for me and love me 'til the end. A man who can understand me for what I really am.

As years passed by, lovers are there, they love and care for me but I don't think they really respect me. They were thinking only for themselves and own happiness.. I'm not that free.. I felt like I'm a slave who needs to obey the rules and obey all the things they want.. That's why I used to give up and leave them alone 'coz I'm not happy for what they're doing. And I know that they don't need me, I'm not that important to them. Then one day, as I sit alone, I keep on asking myself how and when can I find the man that I've been wishing for? I want to be with that man as I turned 18 because I wanna spend more time on him, I want to know his attitude more. And I know that life is so short that's why I want to be with him at that age. And also when the time comes that God will take my life away, I've already spend my time to the one I really love. And even if it takes only a short time to be with him, I'm gonna be happy 'coz I already showed him my love, the way I care, until the last minute of breathing.

And now as I turned 18, you stepped on my life, you've entered my heart. You're the man that I've been looking for a long time.. The man that I've been dreaming of. I can really see your honesty, I can feel your love, care and respect. I love you just the way you are. Your attitude, the way you talked to me and the way you are when you're near me. I've accepted whatever the attitude you have. I love the way you react when something's wrong. And, I really love the way you make me smile every single minute of the day. The way you look at my face and the way you stare into my eyes. I love the way you hold my hand and when you give you warm embrace. I love everything on you. For me you're perfect. You're an awesome man. I know sometimes, you get confused on your negative attitudes, but honestly speaking, even your negative attitudes, I love all of those, I've learned to accept all of those since the day that I've accepted you as my love, as my man. I love you just the way you are. That's why I have this one wish for you...

"Can you please stay as you are?"
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This is my first monthsary with Miguel Gamboa my boyfriend.. I was not expecting for anything today 'coz I know he can't be with me.. It's Sunday and we have different things to do...

But, unexpectedly... he came into my house.. gave me rose and chocolates.. And a letter.. Honestly, he was the first man who did that for me.. I can't explain how happy I am today.. I was very surprised.. He's so sweet..

Now I don't know what to say... I love him so much.. He makes my day so special... This is one of the best days in my life..

~ Happy Monthsary Honey I Love You... And I will always love you.. ~
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Since the day that I've answered him.. Everything changed.. My life, my time... Every time that I'm with him... I can't explain the happiness that I've felt... He makes me smile in a very simple way.. He makes my day complete and he's always there to protect and care for me..

I'm so happy to have this guy...

On July 11, we'll be having our first monthsary.. :)
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Finally, I'm very much happy.. It's unexplainable.. Another journey of my life starts now, with the man I really love.. Thanks so much for that day.. You make me happy.. June 11,2010.. It's unforgettable.. My first dance with the man I love happened yesterday.. He's also the first man that I've answered personally...

I can say that I'm so blessed because God gave him to me... I don't know the reason but I know that he gave this man to make me happy.. To take care of me..

The way he looks at me that night, the way he holds my hand and when he embraced me..
I can't explain the feeling.. I felt like I don't want him to go, I don't want to finish that moment.. But I know, those are the things which I call "beginning".. Having a relation with him, I know it will not be easy even we have the same attitude.. the same likes, and maybe some of dislikes..

For now.. I can say.. I'm thankful to have him.. He makes me so complete..

I'll end this blog for now.. For the reason that I wasn't able to explain how happy I am because of him..

~ prince , heart , honey.. whatever it is I love you Miguel ~
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Goodbye my past hello to my future.. hello to my present.. I can't forget all the memories we had when we're together.. But one thing is for sure.. From all those times I've spend with you, the memories we had.. I've learned so many things... That's why I know now what to do to my next relationship.. From all the things I've done for you, I know you don't even care.. Thank you for passing by.. Thank you for that 2yrs and 4months relationship.. I really learned a lot from that..

This will be the time that I need to face the things that makes me happy.. And I found that happiness on someone else, from the man named "Migz", I know he'll not hurt me as you do.. I know he'll never make me cry.. I've been searching for this happiness for so long.. And now I've finally found it.. It's on him.. The love I want, the way he care, the way he listens in every word I say.. The way he makes me happy.. All of those things, makes me feel complete and contented..

On this blog of mine today, I just want to tell on the man whom I called "Heart" is... Thank you for being there.. I love you so much and I'll always be here for you whatever happens.. I'll be on your side.. I'm so glad and blessed that you passed on my road.. I hope you'll stay here with me.. I don't want to get lonely anymore.. I can't express through words how much I love you.. But let me tell you that I love you with all my heart.. I love you til the end.. I'll always love you in every minute and every second of the day...

~ I love you Honeybee :) ~
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Nice.. Finally the day comes.. June 11,2010.. He's long wait is over.. I'll answer him later while in the party of my bestfriend.. I am so nervous and I don't know what to say..

Yesterday was a very happy day.. It was my first time to sing in front of the man I love..
From the start, as I keep on loving him.. I promise that I'll be true, I'll be honest..
I'm very lucky to have this man in my life.. He's always there specially when the times that I needed him, the times when I was sad he never leaves me..

Finally, I'll give my "yes" to this man.. The next journey of my life begins here..

~ I love you so much Miguel ~
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Well, It's Thursday.. This will be the last day that I'll be single.. I'll start new beginning with someone who treated me as a special girl.. Someone who always want to see me happy.. Someone who helped me to stand up and gives light into my life..

"Yes".. He really deserves that word.. He's waiting for that word.. Now I know that he's serious loving me, I can't explain how but I can see it through his actions.. Through his words..

Now I can say that I'm really happy with him.. and I love him so much..

~ I want to thank you for waiting me.. And thank you for helping me to moved on with that nightmare of mine.. You're too perfect to be my man.. Hope everything would just be fine 'coz it's hard to become a perfect girl for you.. ~
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Another day, another life, another challenge... I don't know what would happen next... I don't know what would I tell him... I'm nervous, I don't even know where to start... Well, it's kinda hard for me to do this because it's first time...

I just hope everything will be ok..

I'm getting nervous...
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A lonely life of mine
Was once vanished
Because you came
Because you passed by

Will you stay for me?
Or you'll also say goodbye?
Will you love me for who I am?
Or you'll also tell me to change?

How can I change?
If this makes me happy...
Act like a child
But love as an adult

You came on this road
Broken road
Like my heart
Which is broken into pieces

Tell me honestly
Do you really love me?
Will you stay forever?
Or you will just pass?
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Meaning of my life???
For me it's you
You make me smile everyday
You make me happy in a simple way

I can say now that I really love you
I can't leave without you
I won't be happy when you leave
I won't love again when you're gone

I'm really afraid to be hurt
'Coz it's really hard to moved on
But I am now ready
To face the new relationship

I don't know what will happen
But I will enjoy my life with you
And that's for sure
And that's for real

You give color into my heart
You give meaning into my life
You give me the reason to live
You gave me everything
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As days passed by, I can't even think that I've finally moved on from what happened to me on my past relationship. 2 years of suffering from a man who can't love me for who I am. I honestly love that man that's why I respect all his decisions. But he never respect my decisions.

Now, everything has changed when this New Man came. He's nice, fun to be with... I can say for me he's PERFECT.. And honestly, he's my main reason why I was able to moved on easily.. I don't know, I'm really happy when he's there for me, when we're together.. I can't stopped myself loving him... I'm really in love again... And I just want to thank this man for helping to stand up when things gets so complicated for me and I don't even know what to do..

You know who you are... Thank you so much..
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For you I would climb
The highest mountain peak
Swim the deepest ocean
Your love I do seek

For you I would cross
The rivers most wide
Walk the hottest dessert said
To have you by my side

For you are the one
Who makes me whole
You've captured my heart
And touched my soul

For you are the one
That stepped out of my dreams
Gave me a new hope
Showed me what love means

For you done
Are my reasons to live
For the compassion you show
And the care that you give

You came into my life
And made me complete
Each time I see you
My heart skips a beat

For you are the one
God sent from up above
The angel I needed
From whom I do love
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In your eyes
I see those wonderful moments
In your arms
I can feel the love I’ve never felt before

I don’t know how happy I am
When we’re together
You complete my days
You complete my life

Hope this will not end
I want to be happy forever
I want to be with you
Until the end

You are the only one for me
You are my light
That shines so bright
That gives me strength each and everyday

You are the reason
Why I used to wake up in the morning
I love you so much my dear
If I’m with you there would be no fear

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