June 7, 2010

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As days passed by, I can't even think that I've finally moved on from what happened to me on my past relationship. 2 years of suffering from a man who can't love me for who I am. I honestly love that man that's why I respect all his decisions. But he never respect my decisions.

Now, everything has changed when this New Man came. He's nice, fun to be with... I can say for me he's PERFECT.. And honestly, he's my main reason why I was able to moved on easily.. I don't know, I'm really happy when he's there for me, when we're together.. I can't stopped myself loving him... I'm really in love again... And I just want to thank this man for helping to stand up when things gets so complicated for me and I don't even know what to do..

You know who you are... Thank you so much..
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