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Finally, I'm very much happy.. It's unexplainable.. Another journey of my life starts now, with the man I really love.. Thanks so much for that day.. You make me happy.. June 11,2010.. It's unforgettable.. My first dance with the man I love happened yesterday.. He's also the first man that I've answered personally...

I can say that I'm so blessed because God gave him to me... I don't know the reason but I know that he gave this man to make me happy.. To take care of me..

The way he looks at me that night, the way he holds my hand and when he embraced me..
I can't explain the feeling.. I felt like I don't want him to go, I don't want to finish that moment.. But I know, those are the things which I call "beginning".. Having a relation with him, I know it will not be easy even we have the same attitude.. the same likes, and maybe some of dislikes..

For now.. I can say.. I'm thankful to have him.. He makes me so complete..

I'll end this blog for now.. For the reason that I wasn't able to explain how happy I am because of him..

~ prince , heart , honey.. whatever it is I love you Miguel ~
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