An Answered Prayer

What a wonderful day. It's really an answered prayer. It's been four months since my dad stopped working. And I was worrying about my studies because of financial problem. There is a big possibility that I'll stop. That time, I used to tell Migz about my problem just to have someone to lean on and someone who can tell me what to do. I was thinking of: should I stop? or have a part time work to support myself?. That time I really don't know what to do. And Migz told me not to think negatively, instead I should pray. Yeah, he's right. I did that, and tears fell from my eyes because I really don't know what to do. And that time my mom was also sick (sadly until now she's sick). But as I kept on praying, one good thing happened. Last Monday, I received a call from my dad's office, they were looking for my dad of course, the reason is they was asking my dad to report in their office. My dad went there and good news happened. He got his schedule, he got his medical results. And the nice thing is, tomorrow, he'll go back to work. He have his flight going to Europe and then to Asia. Oh well, my dad is a seaman. Going back to my story, It's a nice birthday gift for him. Even though he's not with us on his birthday (August 21), I know he's happy and he really want to go back to his work. We'll see him again after ten months..

Well then, to my dad: "I Love You and please take care always"
~ bon voyage! ~
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  1. Awww! SO hapy for you honey!! Mwah! Mwah! That made my day :) Nkakapagaan ng loob sobra, hehe! I love you! I love you! Thank God nabawasan nman problema nyo, hehe

  2. hehe tama tama... so happy din akuh 2day ee.. basta masaya lang ako natupad na naman yung wish ko :)
