It's About Us

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So happy... why? It's because last July 23 i think, my mom and dad finally knew everything about me and my boyfriend. And they also want him (Migz) to be my boyfriend. That's a good news for both of us.

One more thing is I've finally met his grandparents.. That makes me so happy... I also met his 2 cousins and their parents. Well for me its unforgettable. Another thing is, Miguel can come to my house any time he wants without being nervous when my parents are there. My mom and dad really trust him and that's a good thing.

I can see that Migz is so happy.. 2 days from now, we're going to celebrate our second monthsary. Honestly until now I can't believe that he's my boyfriend because last year I always ignore him and I don't even talk to him.. But now, he's my man, and my parents really likes him. He also met my bro. and sis. and my cousin.

What will be the other things that can happen? I can't wait.. I'm currently writing our story that's why I can't wait...

So happy to be with him
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