The Warning

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People are we really aware of what’s happening in our world today? Are we ready to face all those unexpected circumstances? Is it true that End of the World is near?  Why do we experience all these things?

As of today, there are so many things happening in this world that we are not aware of. Some are concerned but some are not. The world now is reacting weirdly. People say that the apocalypse is near, there are so many destructions, tsunamis, earthquakes, war and more. Those who have read the bible already and those who believe in the words and works of God, we can say that the things written in there is true and can be happening soon because life is only a cycle. Are you guys aware of some specific disasters there? Do you believe that those things inside that book are happening today in our generation? I am not trying to scare you, I am just relating things, I myself am afraid because they say the bible is the truth. As I can see those events happening to mother earth today, things are starting to be clear in my mind. For me, this is God’s warning to us. This is the warning that people should change. People should wake up and start building a nation of peace. Back in God’s time people are sinners, they do things that are against God’s rules. They are greedy and they only think of things that will make them happy, they are selfish. And to our generation, some are thinking things that can make them rich, we are starting to become selfish and greedy. We are destroying the earth and we’re not respecting what God gives us.

We are not aware because we ignore things; we are not ready to face the truth because we are afraid of it. The apocalypse will come anytime now, but we still have time to change. People who believe in Him will be saved and those who are not will remain. The warning is now in our eyes it is now in front of us. We just need to wake up and face the truth, we should not be afraid because He can save us. We are all afraid of the word END and afraid that if that happens are we going to Heaven or Hell? No one knows what the truth is, even the smartest person on earth.

The warning is not there to scare us. It is there to tell people that we should have equality; we should not treat people as strangers. We should help each other build a new generation. A generation of man that you can see where there are no wars, every country is helping each other and there is respect. How are we going to change? Let’s start in our self first, then teach others how.
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