A Day Without You

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A day alone, just with myself makes me feel uncomfortable. It's not the usual way like before that I enjoy every hour, minute and second of my day. Now, without you in one day is like one week already. I don't know why but it's a weird feeling. There's the time that I really want to see you. I want to spend my time with you, hear your voice, see you laugh and smile. I wanna hear your stories, stories that makes me laugh. I want to see you talking to me even if I don't mind you. Your talks that can irritate someone because you're so childish, like asking for his mom to talk to him. For me that's my normal day, a day with you full of laughs, smiles. A day which I can see your brown eyes staring at me. A day which I can see and touch your face.

Now I honestly miss you, I want to see and hug you. Kiss your soft warm lips. Look at your eyes like there's no tomorrow. The feeling beside you is so unnatural, I can feel the happiness inside my body. A day with you is always like a fantasy world your my prince doing any favor whatever his princess wants him to do. A day without you is so lonely no childlike man beside me. There's no man who keeps on talking to me. A man who will pinch me (funny). A day without you is so unnatural, I miss those times you touched my hand saying like "don't leave me". I miss your hug speaks like "please stay beside me" and your warm kiss which tells me "you're mine".

Every day without you will kill me. A day without you makes me feel lonely. I don't know how these feelings grew inside me. All I know is I can feel this because I love you so much. The unnatural feelings that bursts unnaturally.
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