People are we really aware of what’s happening in our world today? Are we ready to face all those unexpected circumstances? Is it true that End of the World is near? Why do we experience all these things?
As of today, there are so many things happening in this world that we are not aware of. Some are concerned but some are not. The world now is reacting weirdly. People say that the apocalypse is near, there are so many destructions, tsunamis, earthquakes, war and more. Those who have read the bible already and those who believe in the words and works of God, we can say that the things written in there is true and can
A day alone, just with myself makes me feel uncomfortable. It's not the usual way like before that I enjoy every hour, minute and second of my day. Now, without you in one day is like one week already. I don't know why but it's a weird feeling. There's the time that I really want to see you. I want to spend my time with you, hear your voice, see you laugh and smile. I wanna hear your stories, stories that makes me laugh. I want to see you talking to me even if I don't mind you. Your talks that can irritate someone because you're so childish, like asking for his mom to talk to him. For
The work of a secretary is not an easy job. You need to remind your boss about everything, list down all appointments, set dates for meetings. A secretary is like a personal journal everything about daily work, and daily schedule is written on a piece of notebook.
Well, I have my own boss I act as his secretary, but the difference maybe is I’m not on a job. I’m not doing this for money. I am doing this because I want someone to be happy, to feel that I always care. I want to do this because I love that person. It’s not easy, I know but I wanna try. Schedules, appointment, important meetings, I want to
Life is like a road, there are ups and downs. Some are rocky and some have cracks on it. Cars cross on it as people do in our lives. Different colors of cars, different kind like different people. This life is not easy as we grow up. Soon we need to cross without the help of others sometimes we need to be alone to find the right path. We need to choose our own path whether right or wrong one like the u-turns in the highway. We should just be careful in choosing things, but at the end even if we chose the right or wrong path, we still have choices to change everything. Roads don’t stay as
It's been one year since we celebrate our first monthsary. Days past by so fast and now we are already one year and one month and I still have this one man and only one love. I'm just so happy that we reached this stage of relationship with no break ups unlike others. In one year we had our wonderful memories together. We did so many things together. It's so nice to have that kind of guy, a guy that can understand for your likes and dislikes and he'll also join you in those things. A guy like that is hard to find honestly guess I'm just so lucky!