A Day Without You

10:41:00 PM
Posted by Home of a Book Loverin 0 comments

A day alone, just with myself makes me feel uncomfortable. It's not the usual way like before that I enjoy every hour, minute and second of my day. Now, without you in one day is like one week already. I don't know why but it's a weird feeling. There's the time that I really want to see you. I want to spend my time with you, hear your voice, see you laugh and smile. I wanna hear your stories, stories that makes me laugh. I want to see you talking to me even if I don't mind you. Your talks that can irritate someone because you're so childish, like asking for his mom to talk to him. For

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Secretary of Your Life

10:41:00 PM
Posted by Home of a Book Loverin 0 comments

The work of a secretary is not an easy job. You need to remind your boss about everything, list down all appointments, set dates for meetings. A secretary is like a personal journal everything about daily work, and daily schedule is written on a piece of notebook.

Well, I have my own boss I act as his secretary, but the difference maybe is I’m not on a job. I’m not doing this for money. I am doing this because I want someone to be happy, to feel that I always care. I want to do this because I love that person. It’s not easy, I know but I wanna try. Schedules, appointment, important meetings, I want to

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