I'm a Bookworm

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Hi guys!!! I love books so much, it started when I was a child, my mom said I started reading books in my own. She just heard me talking and reading and then she bought me so many books. Of course as a child we all love fairy tales so she bought a big and thick book of that and I started reading it on my own. It was so fun.

But then, when I became so busy in school I started to get bored in reading books and I ignore them but we have plenty books in our house. But now, I am in college, I appreciate books again, I started reading the Percy Jackson series, then Maximum Ride and so on. and I find it very fun and exciting. Books made me feel so happy and it brings me to the other world. Books helped me change my mood when I feel bored. And since 2010 I started reading books and collecting them. As of now I have a few books because sometimes I read online. But I can say that I am happy with my decision to go back to reading books. It is my hobby since I was a child and it will be forever. I always dream to have my own library inside my house and imagine myself staying inside it the whole day and read many books as I can.

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