I'm so sorry for this week.. I made him so sad... I made him so worried.. I didn't mean to do all those things..
I'm sorry for being so childish.. Because of that.. I made him so worried.. I'm so sorry
One thing is.. because of being sensitive.. I ignored him, and that makes him feel sad.. I'm so sorry
for the things that I'd done for this week...
Hope if there's something wrong with me.. or on other things, don't be shy to tell me about your feelings on it.. so that I know what to do..
All my life, all my wishes came true. From the material things and to everything I've ever wanted. But one thing makes me happy. I've been wishing for the love, care and respect. Wishing for a man who can accept me, not just for being beautiful but for having the attitude that I have. A man who can wait for me and love me 'til the end. A man who can understand me for what I really am.
As years passed by, lovers are there, they love and care for me but I don't think they really respect me. They were thinking only for themselves and own happiness.. I'm not that free.. I felt like I'm a slave who
This is my first monthsary with Miguel Gamboa my boyfriend.. I was not expecting for anything today 'coz I know he can't be with me.. It's Sunday and we have different things to do...
But, unexpectedly... he came into my house.. gave me rose and chocolates.. And a letter.. Honestly, he was the first man who did that for me.. I can't explain how happy I am today.. I was very surprised.. He's so sweet..
Now I don't know what to say... I love him so much.. He makes my day so special... This is one of the best days in my life..
~ Happy Monthsary Honey I Love You... And I will always love you.. ~
Since the day that I've answered him.. Everything changed.. My life, my time... Every time that I'm with him... I can't explain the happiness that I've felt... He makes me smile in a very simple way.. He makes my day complete and he's always there to protect and care for me..
I'm so happy to have this guy...
On July 11, we'll be having our first monthsary.. :)