Lauren Kate, the author of Fallen series visited the Philippines last November 5-9 for her Fallen movie promotion at SM Megamall and Glorietta also for the book signing event at National Bookstore Greenbelt 5. Lauren Kate visited together with the casts of Fallen movie Harrison Gilbertson (as "Cam") and Addison Timlin (as "Lucinda Price").
It was my first time to meet Lauren Kate and the experience was amazing! She's lovely and kind. I asked her while she was signing my book if she's already
Title: Instructions For A Second-hand Heart
Author: Tamsyn Murray
Published: November 01, 2016
Publisher: Usborne Publishing
Jonny isn't like "normal" teenagers. Every day he wakes up in hospital, kept alive by a machine. Every day he wonders if this is the day they'll find a donor match for his heart. Every day he wonders if this is the day he'll die.
Every day, Niamh fights with her "perfect" brother Leo. Every single day, Leo wins. Every day, Niamh dreams of a life without Leo. But