Life is like a road, there are ups and downs. Some are rocky and some have cracks on it. Cars cross on it as people do in our lives. Different colors of cars, different kind like different people. This life is not easy as we grow up. Soon we need to cross without the help of others sometimes we need to be alone to find the right path. We need to choose our own path whether right or wrong one like the u-turns in the highway. We should just be careful in choosing things, but at the end even if we chose the right or wrong path, we still have choices to change everything. Roads don’t stay as they are they need to be fixed when they already damaged like our own lives. We need to fix everything that is wrong to find happiness and contentment.

And as time pass by, you will meet someone who will join you to walk, run or sometimes when you’re tired carry you. But that doesn’t mean forever some failed but then it’s still your choice. It is how you will treat them. There were people who would like to destroy you because of jealousy, hatred and all negatives and don’t want you to continue walking. That is the time we need to choose if we’re going to fight until we reach the end ‘coz we’re curious enough to know if we can still find things we are looking for or just stay like a statue until death eats you. Not all people try to sacrifice most just want to stay. Life is a road that also changes because of people’s fault. And as cars race to reach their destination they turn to find shortcuts and sometimes it’s really where they are going and we people do the same thing, we race, fight and turn into different ways, and some left behind some wants to stop ‘coz they have problems and the sad thing some reached their end point. People who don’t fail to success soon will turn back and imagine how they reached that place. Some will try to go back but they will notice everything changes. Some will try to help those who did not try to sacrifice, like those cars that don’t have gas already, but then it can still cause trouble at the end.

At the end of the road, at the end of our lives, we can see things that we’ve done. That will be the big flashback of everything from where we’ve started, the good deeds we’ve done or the bad ones and for the choices or paths we decided to take. At the end we will realize everything we have the choice, we choose our own path it’s either happy or not.
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It's been one year since we celebrate our first monthsary. Days past by so fast and now we are already one year and one month and I still have this one man and only one love. I'm just so happy that we reached this stage of relationship with no break ups unlike others. In one year we had our wonderful memories together. We did so many things together. It's so nice to have that kind of guy, a guy that can understand for your likes and dislikes and he'll also join you in those things. A guy like that is hard to find honestly guess I'm just so lucky!
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