Hello there guys! it's been so long since my last blog! yeah! Now... Christmas is over... Gifts? Good food hahaha ... Well... All of this is over... But my love for my family, friends, boyfriend and specially God... will never stop..

Hmmm.. 2 days more? before New Year? am I right? or not? hahaha well whatever... I don't need to have New Year's Resolution... I will let things happen... I will not plan anything, (I hate that)...

Hope everyone will have a very Happy New Year...

Oh... another chapter of my life... New Year... and I will never ever say good bye to this year 2010 because this year is so, happy even if there are lots of challenges that I've encountered... Death of my grandmother is the saddest because this year was my 18th birthday, but sadly she died... But still one good thing happened... I found my love... that's enough for me... 'coz for me love is also happiness..

Advance Happy New Year to all!
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